Operation Breakdown on Laptop and Phone

Operation Breakdown is a web-based repository for storing data gathered by parsing replay files (called demos) provided by Valve from the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive. The basic idea is that a parsing tool goes over the demo file compiling statistics based on in-game events. The results of that parsing are submitted to this site, where users will be able to review a detailed breakdown of their performance during a match. Also rich dashboards showing aggregate statistics allow a player to track his performance over time.

Operation Breakdown is the result of 9 months of part-time solo development, and development continues to this day. At the moment it is in open beta mode, and the data is available for anyone to browse. To take a quick look, click here.

How it's used

  1. Play a game of competitive matchmaking
  2. Download the replay (demo) using the CS:GO game client
  3. Run the Operation Breakdown client
  4. Click the parse button. The demo will be analyzed and the data submitted to the server.
  5. Navigate to the site. The data is immediately incorporated in to the aggregate statistics. The match will be shown as the left-most entry in the recent matches section.


The client application was written as a C# WinForms application. A library was built around the DemoInfo project to compile the stats on a round-by-round basis. When the client has finished parsing a demo file, it posts the result to a REST endpoint on the site.

The site was created using the MEAN stack (mongo, express, angular, node). Concerns are kept strictly separated, such that nearly any of those could in principal be swapped out for a different tech with minimal adjustments needed. It is hosted in a 3-tier architecture using Digital Ocean droplets (Virtual Private Servers), one for the web front end (static files, reverse proxy to application), the application tier (REST api, minimal server-rendered pages), and the data tier.

In addition, while the logo was created as a favor from a friend, all other visual design was done by me.

Operation Breakdown on Laptop and Phone